
Fill in the blank
1. Avoid touching your____,____,and___.
2.clean and _______frequently touched ___ and ____.
3.frequently ____your hands by using alcohol based___or wash your hands with___ and water (for 30 seconds)
4. When coughing or ____ cover your mouth and nose with a flexed___or use a ___ if you have a tissue,____ it away immediately
5. Avoid close ____ with anyone that has a ____or fever. And if you have cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care and share any____about any recent___with your ____care provider. If you have a mild cold symptoms and no specific medical history you need to stay ____ until you recover except to get ____ and ___.
6. also if you're sick wear a _____.
7. Avoid ___ ___ in groups more than 10 people
8. Avoid eating at _____ or food courts. Use drive thru pick up or delivery options
9. Avoid discrimination harassment shopping trips or social visits
10. Do not visit nursing homes or retirement or long-term ____ facilities unless to provide critical _____

Answer :

Answer   1: face, nose, mouth

2: disinfect, surfaces, doornobs

3: wash, hand sanitizer

4:sneezing, elbow, tissue, blow

5: contact, cough, ?, ?,?,?,?

6: mask

7: close contact

8: restraunts

10: healthcare, ?


6. mask
8. cafes/restaurants
10. care, care