Answer :
This is just my perspective on things, and if it isn't yours then I respect that. Just please be open to a new perspective at least for a minute. To put it in light terms, there is no reason why not however, there is also no reason why we should. Taiwan gets help from China all the time and we have helped them in the past but it often does not get to the people who are truly in desperate times. Besides that, why should the USA take care of another country that does not plan on helping us in the future? I am not sure most people understand this, but your country is only as good as the person who is in charge. Countries are almost like people (on a certain scale anyway). Say for instance, you have a very controlling husband. Under most circumstances you become very sad, to the point of running away. So when your country is hurting, more than likely it involves someone in a high position being possibly very controlling and very selfish. So more than anything I think the USA is worried that us helping Taiwan do more hurt than good or that things with value will get in the wrong hands. I am not pointing any fingers because every country has some warped leaders here and there. I hope this helps.