Answer :
(1).Making religious studies compulsory for students at all levels in schools
(2).The role Government should be limited concerning religions.
(3). Home training.
(4).guidance and counselling session.
(5). Media regulations.
Today, the moral standards of youths is gradually reducing in the whole world today and not only in Ghana alone.
Although many people argued that morality is not declining but only developing because In most African nations, morality is actually based on the ways of life the ancient or how the forefathers has lived their own various lives, and once people or youths are not following these steps it means that the morality is decreasing. But, to be candid and if we are not going to lie to ourselves, morality is decreasing in Ghana.
Therefore, in order to minimize the falling moral standards of Ghanaian youths, the following can be done;
(1). Making religious studies compulsory for students at all levels in schools: teachers are the students mentors, so values should be passed from the teachers to the students.
(2). The role Government should be limited concerning religions : Schools should be giving back to missionaries. Also, good policies should be enacted by Government to promote morality and values
(3). Good Home training: the home is an important part of the society and to be candid it is the most essentially part of the society. Parents should train their children and pass good values to them.
(4). Efficient guidance and counselling session should be provided in schools and religious institutions.
(5). The media should be regulated property. Contents on the media whether Televisions or Social Media should be properly scrutinized before being allowed to be able to be viewed by youths/ viewers.