1.You have 2 containers - Container A is at 3 litres and Container B is at 5 litres. 2. Exert for the marking showing that shows the total capacity both containers have NO other markings
3. You have a unlimited supply of water. You do not have ANY measuring cups/jugs etc
4. How can you use the containers and water so that Container B has exactly 4 litres of water??

Please help me out with this one! No need to show working out.

Answer :

ok so basically you would need to fill up the 5L container, then fill up the 3L container, which leaves 2L in the 5L container. then dump out the 3L container.  then you will fill the 3L with the 2L from the 5L container (so now theres only 2L in the 3L can). then fill the 5L back up, empty 1L into the 3L container, and that leaves you with 4L in the 5L container

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