In what way did Jesus go beyond the commandments in his teaching? Name one of the commandments and explain how Jesus is asking for more.

1. Loving God above all things: Jesus just not teaching with words, but with his actions too, when he was in the desert 40 days and 40 nights without food or water, the devil tempts him for he kneels in front of the devil, I consider that was a big trial that no many humans can do, but he, strong and decided in his faith, doesn't kneel in front of the devil, demonstrating that the love to God is above the hungry, thirsty or another need of the human body (God above all things).
There are many examples that could show you how Jesus was the perfect human, but in this case, I select the trial in the desert, because was when Jesus directly fight with the devil, showing us that despite the needs form the human body, a person can overcome the difficulties and being a good example of a servant of God.