Answer :

Discusss five contributory factors to poverty in the world

The five contributing factors to poverty in the world include

Lack of clean water and Nutritious food: throughout the world there are currently 2 billion people that don’t have access to clean water, and over 800 million people are out of enough food. Not having access to clean water and hunger are mostly main cause of poverty.

Further Explanation

If individual don’t have access to enough food, they won’t have the required energy to work, and lack of clean water and food can lead to different illness such as diarrhea. Also when families don’t have the money to buy medicine it could even leads to death. Sometimes families might have to travel far distance to access clinics and spend the little money they have on medicines.  

Conflict: conflict can contribute to poverty in many ways. Long periods of violence in a country can destroy a society. Example in this case is Syria, where infrastructures are destroyed; people flee leaving their homes or have to sell them. Violence contributes greatly to poverty due to unstable society.

Unemployment: unavailability of jobs also contributes to poverty. When people don’t have job, they find it so hard to cater for their family.  

Inequality: throughout the world, there are different types of inequality. It can be economic or social inequality such as tribal affiliations, gender and caste systems. In a situation where distributions of resources are not equal, it contributes greatly to poverty. It means people don’t have the required resources for them to forge ahead.

Poor education: Many families cannot afford to send their children to schools. They often expose their children to different type of menial jobs in other to cater for themselves.  

Other factors that contribute to poverty are lack of infrastructure, climate change, lack of reserves and many more.


  • Five contributory factor to poverty in the world


  • poverty
  • poor education
  • water
  • employment
  • families

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