Answer :
Five Cultural Dimension are discussed as under:
Geert Hofstede's five cultural dimensions standard is used for understanding cultural differences and highly valued because it provides the understanding of the culture of a particular market and these are as under:
Number 1. Power Distance
The Power Distance talks about how much inequality is accepted in the culture by the dominant players of the society. The way the society handles the issues tells about how they handle inequalities.
Number 2. Individualism versus collectivism
The individualism dimension is talks about how much an individual interest are important as opposed to the group interests. The higher value of individual as opposed to the group interest is Individualism and lower value of individual as opposed to the group interest is Collectivism. It basically represents how much the individual values the interest of a group when these interest are in conflict with their interest. Similarly it also tells how much the group values the interest of an individual when these interest are in conflict with their interest.
Number 3. Masculinity
The masculinity dimension is all about the things and values in a culture that are considered very important and has greater influence of masculine side. The dimension basically considers the preference of values in the society which includes social work, heroism, Patriotism, etc.
Number 4. Uncertainty Avoidance
The uncertain avoidance dimension tells about the risks and uncertainty that the dominant players of the society considers in policy reforms and are concerned with the issues mitigation.
Number 5. Indulgence
The indulgence dimension means how much an individual or the society as a whole are are capable to control their desires and impulses. This also means how much their desires are valuable than others and how they are going to achieve it in practical life.
The five cultural dimensions closely related to this rule include:
- Power Distance
- Individualism v. collectivism
- Masculinity
- Uncertainty Avoidance
- Indulgence
The cultural dimensions model was established in 1970s based on a decade of research and has been an internationally recognized standard for understanding cultural differences.
Hence, while applying the Hofstede’s model of cultural influence, the five cultural dimensions that is most closely related to this rule includes Power Distance, Individualism v. collectivism, Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance and Indulgence.
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