1. Why did Alexander’s kingdoms have a Greek-inspired, or blended, Hellenistic culture?
2. How were rural areas different from Hellenistic cities?
3. Why were the Hellenistic buildings were so large?
4. Hellenistic artists made statues of both Greek and Egyptian gods.
5. What does this fact indicate? What made Aristarchus an important Hellenistic scientist?

Answer :


1. Alexander respected the cultures he conquered, and allowed their customs to continue.

2. The cities were protected by the King and the rural areas weren't.

3. Correct water drainage and the use of continuous bases on foundations above various layers of fill material allowed large Greek buildings to be built in the best positions regardless of terrain and to withstand the weather and earthquakes over centuries.

4. (or 5???) Aristarchus was popular for his theories regarding the heliocentrism of our solar system.

Brainliest plsss

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