In this assignment, you will develop a C++ program and a flowchart that calculates a cost to replace all tablets and desktop computers in a business. Customers paying cash get a ten percent discount applied to the total cost of the computers (desktop and tablets). Customers financing the purchase incur a fifteen percent finance charge based on the total cost of the computers (desktop and tablets). Tablets costs $320.00 each and desktops costs $800.00 each. The tax is 75% (.075).

⦁ Use the following variables of the appropriate type: name of company selling the computers, the cost per each type of computer, number of computers to be purchased, discount if paying cash, sales tax rate. Tablets =$320 each and desktop computers = $800.00 each. Sales Tax Rate = .075, Discount Percent = .10, and Finance Charge = .15.
⦁ Variable names must be descriptive.
⦁ Use additional variables to hold subtotals and totals.
⦁ For customers paying cash, the discount should be subtracted from the total computer cost.
⦁ For customers financing the purchase, the finance charge should be added to the total computer cost.
⦁ The body of your program must use variables only; there should not be any "hard coded" values in the output statements. An example of hardcoding is
***Cost of tablets = 4 * 320****.
⦁ Use cout to output the values of the variables to the console. Your cout statement MUST use the variables to display the values
⦁ Display the cost of the computers, tax and average cost per computer. The average cost will be the total cost divided by the number of computers purchased. Display the discount if the customer decides to pay cash or the finance charge if the customer finances the purchase.
⦁ Output must be labelled and easy to read as shown in the sample output below.
⦁ Program must be documented with the following:
⦁ // Name
⦁ // Date
⦁ // Program Name
⦁ // Description
⦁ Develop a flowchart

Total cost of computers = cost per tablet * number of tablets purchased + cost per desktop * number of desktops purchased
Calculate the cost if paying cash or financing
Calculate the tax
Average cost per computer = Total computer cost divided by the number of computers purchased

Answer :



The objective of this program we are to develop is to compute a C++ program and a flowchart that calculates a cost to replace all tablets and desktop computers in a business.

C++ Program



using namespace std;


⦁ // Name:

⦁ // Date:

⦁ // Program Name:

⦁ // Description:


int main()


const double SalesTaxRate = .075, DiscountPercent = .10, FinanceCharge = .15;

const double TABLET = 320.00, DESKTOP = 800.00;

double total = 0.0, subTotal = 0.0,avg=0.0;

int numberOfTablets, numberOfDesktop;

cout << "-------------- Welcome to Computer Selling Company ------------------ ";

cout << "Enter number of tablets: ";

cin >> numberOfTablets;

cout << "Enter number of desktops: ";

cin >> numberOfDesktop;

subTotal = TABLET * numberOfTablets + numberOfDesktop * DESKTOP;

char choice;

cout << "Paying cash or financing: (c/f): ";

cin >> choice;

cout << fixed << setprecision(2);

if (choice == 'c' || choice == 'C')


cout << "You have choosen paying cash." << endl;

total = subTotal - subTotal * DiscountPercent;

cout << "Discount you get $" << subTotal * DiscountPercent<<endl;

cout << "Sales Tax: $" << SalesTaxRate * total << endl;

total = total + total * SalesTaxRate;

cout << "Total computers' Cost: $" << total << endl;

avg = total / (numberOfDesktop + numberOfTablets);

cout << "Average computer cost: $ " << avg << endl;


else if (choice == 'f' || choice == 'F')


cout << "You have choosen Finance option." << endl;

total = subTotal + subTotal * FinanceCharge;

cout << "Finance Charge $" << subTotal * FinanceCharge << endl;

cout << "Sales Tax: $" << SalesTaxRate * total << endl;

total = total + total * SalesTaxRate;

cout << "Total computers' Cost: $" << total << endl;

avg = total / (numberOfDesktop + numberOfTablets);

cout << "Average computer cost: $ " << avg << endl;




cout << "Wrong choice.......Existing.... ";



//to hold the output screen


} }


The Output of the program is shown in the first data file attached below:


See the second diagram attached for the designed flowchart.

${teks-lihat-gambar} ajeigbeibraheem
${teks-lihat-gambar} ajeigbeibraheem

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