The scatter plot below shows the relationship between two variables, x and y. Which kind best fits the data?

The last one on the bottom right
Step-by-step explanation:
When we are trying to fit a line for a number of points, we can fix this line at several points on the graph. However, out of the several lines that we can fit, only one of these lines would work perfectly and it is called the line of best fit.
The reason why it is called the line of best fit is that it is drawn in a manner in which it leaves equal number of points above it as below it.
Supposed we have 15 points for our graph with the line of the slope passing thorough 5, the line of best fit in this case would leave 5 points above and another 5 below the line.
Leaving 6 and 4 is also manageable, but in case where 3 and 7 are left above and below the line, then it becomes a problem
Thus, out of all the representations we have, the one on the bottom right best works