Answer :

Prevention is better than cure is the most popular and old proverb related to our health and healthy life. Good health becomes a valuable present in human life. We can earn lots of money, make houses, achieve luxurious things, etc in life however we cannot buy good health once it got declined by some serious diseases. The meaning of each and every luxurious thing will be zero immediately after we get some diseases. The proverb “prevention is better than cure” is the best advice to us in life. People should divert their minds from costly treatment towards spending time on health education, preventative measures, etc. Most of the people suffer from various fatal diseases which have almost no cure or impossible to cure. Some of the diseases have very expensive treatments. People suffering from such diseases are cured by using very hard medicines having lots of side effects in the present or in near future. In order to remain away from such diseases, prevention is a great key we can be safe from deadly diseases. Prevention is very cheap and saves lots of money, time, and effort.

If prevention methods are followed by the people, they remain safe and happy forever. Poor people cannot afford costly medical treatments. So, we should take care of us all through proper prevention methods so that we can be away from a cure. We have only one life which is very important to all of us. We should live it, not destroy by inviting various problems and difficulties. Life can be more happy and peaceful if we become disciplined and follow the principles of this proverb.

In Conclusion, by properly understanding the meaning and principles of prevention, we can learn how to save ourselves from deadly and fatal diseases. Generally, people know the definitions of making their lives healthier and happier. But they forget the key point of control, discipline, and patience. Cure becomes the last step to get our body out of danger however sometimes we cannot get the normal health back in case of some serious diseases. Our doctors may save a life but cannot return the happiness in life. People, who already had suffered difficulties in life, well understand the value the prevention. But, it is better, if people understand its value before getting into any difficulty.

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