
A co-worker cut his wrist on a bandsaw and is bleeding severely. Blood is spurting from an arterial bleed. Direct pressure is not controlling the bleeding. What is the best treatment?

Answer :



- First, place some gauze pads or a clean cloth on the wound and hold for 10 minutes.

- If the gauze or cloth becomes soaked with blood, without removing it, place another on top and continue pressing for another 10 minutes.

- If the blood does not stop flowing, place the wound raised upwards to avoid excessive bleeding.

While you call an Emergency Ambulance.  


Bleeding usually occurs from a cut or trauma that causes the blood vessels to break.

An arterial hemorrhage occurs when the outflow of blood comes from the circulatory system to the outside caused by the rupture of an artery.

Until the artery closes or the wound is cauterized, blood is likely to continue to flow until the person shows symptoms of confusion, slow heart rate, and shock that ultimately leaves the person to bleed to death.

The best treatment will be to undergo a surgical repair on the severed

artery if application of pressure isn't working.

Arterial bleeding is the most serious form of bleeding as it affects the artery

which carries blood away from the heart to other parts of the body cells. The

common treatment is usually to apply direct pressure to reduce blood loss.

In situations where application of pressure isn't working then it's best to

transport the person to the hospital for a surgery to correct the problem.

Read more about Injury treatment here

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