Answer :
Here is the C++ program:
#include <iostream> //to use input output functions
using namespace std; //to identify objects like cin cout
bool verifyLength(string password); // to verify length of password
bool verifyUpper(string password); //to verify if password contains uppercase letters
bool verifyLower(string password); //to verify if password has lowercase letters
bool verifyDigit(string password); // to verify if password contains digits
int main() { //start of main() function
string password = " "; //to hold password string input by user
while(true) { //loop that verifies the password. The loop keeps prompting user to enter a valid password telling what criteria is to be met to verify password.
cout << "\nPlease enter your password: "; // prompts user to enter a password
getline(cin, password); //reads and gets password from user
if (verifyLength(password) == false) // calls verifyLength to check length criteria for password. Checks if length of password is less than 6
{ cout << "The password should be at least six characters long.\n";}
else if (verifyUpper(password) == false) { // calls verifyUpper to check criteria for password letters to be in uppercase. Checks if password does not have an uppercase letter
cout << "The password should contain at least one uppercase letter.\n"; }
else if (verifyLower(password) == false) { // calls verifyLower to check criteria for password letters to be in lowercase. Checks if password does not contain a lowercase letter
cout << "The password should contain at least one lowercase letter.\n"; }
else if (verifyDigit(password) == false) { // calls verifyDigit to check digit criteria for password. Checks if password does not contain a digit
cout << "The password should have at least one digit.\n"; }
else { //if password meets the criteria
cout << "Password verified!\n";
break; } } } //breaks the loop
Here are the method that are called to verify the stated criteria:
bool verifyLength(string password) { // this method takes input password as parameter to verify the length criteria and returns true of false accordingly
bool length = false; // the bool type variable length is initially set to false
if(password.length() >= 6) //if the length of the password that is obtained by using length() function is greater than or equals to 6 then it means it meets valid password length criteria
length = true; //set length to true when above if statement is true
else //if length of password is less than 6
length = false; //set length to false if length of password is less than 6
return length; } //return the state of length
bool verifyUpper(string password) { // this method takes input password as parameter to verify the uppercase criteria and returns true of false accordingly
bool upper = false; // the bool type variable upper is initially set to false
for (int i = 0; i < password.length(); i++) { //the loop iterates through the letter of password string until the length of the string is reached
if (isupper(password[i])) { //it checks if any letter of the password is in uppercase using the isupper() method
upper = true; } } //set upper to true when above if condition is true
return upper; } //returns the state of upper
bool verifyLower(string password) { // this method takes input password as parameter to verify the lowercase criteria and returns true of false accordingly
bool lower = false; // the bool type variable lower is initially set to false
for (int i = 0; i < password.length(); i++) { //the loop iterates through the letter of password string until the length of the string is reached
if (islower(password[i])) { //it checks if any letter of the password is in lowercase using the islower() method
lower = true; } } //set lower to true when above if condition is true
return lower; } //returns the state of lower accordingly
bool verifyDigit(string password) { // this method takes input password as parameter to verify the digit criteria and returns true of false accordingly
bool digit = false; // the bool type variable digit is initially set to false
for (int i = 0; i < password.length(); i++) { //the loop iterates through each letter of password string until the length of the string is reached
if (isdigit(password[i])) { //it checks if any letter of the password is a digit using the isdigit() method
digit = true; } } //set digit to true when above if condition is true
return digit; } //returns the state of digit accordingly
The output of program is attached.