"Suppose that the video game company Ultravision releases a new game called "Call of Obligation: Modern Combat 3." This can be analyzed using tools from both microeconomics and macroeconomics. Classify the items according to whether they are an application in microeconomics or macroeconomics."

Answer :



How much will Ultravision charge for "Call of Obligation?"

Is Ultravision able to sell all of the "Call of Obligation" games it produces or do they need to produce more?

How does Ultravision choose to market "Call of Obligation?"

How much will Ultravision pay the developers of the game?


Has the country's unemployment rate changed as Ultravision  hired a huge team of workers to develop the game?

Have the millions of dollars that people have spent on video games worldwide affected the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in their respective countries?

How much less economic output occurs countywide because workers call in sick to stay home and play either "Call of Obligation" or another video game?


Microeconomics refers to the study of the events resulting from responses of individuals to changes in motivation, prices, measures to produce and methods of production.


Macroeconomics is the subdivision of economics that is concerned with the functioning and organizational structure, characteristics, behavior and the selection processes and making decision with regards to the entire economy.

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