Answer :
North America is in the northern hemisphere
longitude - gives the East and West position of a point.
Latitude - give the north to south position of a point
Equator - it's a invisible line that goes around the earth, that has equal distance from the poles. It also divides the north and south hemispheres.
Hemisphere - the half of earths sphere, it's divided into four areas, north, south, east, and west. the invisible line crosses over all of them stretching to both poles.
Tropic of cancer - is the most northern latitude on earth, the sun can be seen overhead. it's 23.4 degrees north of the equator.
Tropic of Capricorn - is the most souther latitude on earth, you'll be able to see the sun directly over head. 23.4 degrees south of the equator.
Prime meridian - the invisible line that goes north to south at 0 degrees longitude. the prime meridian also separates the west and east hemisphere.
Greenwich - an area in London, England, that references the prime meridian line that passes through the town, the marked the area with a laser to imitate the line.
England international date line - an invisible line that goes from the north to south pole, i demonstrates the change of the calender day.
Arctic circle - the most southern latitude in the north hemisphere, the sun could be seen 24 hours a day.
Anarctic circle - is the most southern point of earth, parallel latitude and 66.5 degrees south of the equator
don't mind the spelling errors, I was typing fast.