Answer :
The Wiener Werkstätte
The Wiener Werkstätte (first graphic design agency) – 1903
Meaning simply “Vienna workshop,” the Wiener Werkstätte was the first such organization of visual artists, including painters, architects, and early graphic designers.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Graphic design proper really began after the invention of the printing press in 1440, but the roots of visual communication stretch all the way back to caveman times. The events of early history that paved the way for graphic design centuries before the world was ready for it:
Cave paintings ~38,000 BCE
Sumerian written language – 3300 – 3000 BCE
Advancements in Chinese printing 200 CE – 1040 CE
Medieval calligraphy – 700s
European heraldry – ~1100
Storefront signage – 1389
With the advent of the printing press in Europe, humanity was able to recreate text, art and design on a massive scale, and for relatively cheap. The ancestors of modern companies—also on the rise—soon took notice of how such visuals could affect shopping behaviors and increase profits, thus modern graphic design was born.
I hope it helped!!!