Answer :



[See Below]


✦ Physical Changes:

  ✧ Is when the form changes, but not the chemicals in that form.

  ✧ An example of this would be chopping wood. It's still wood but it's a different size now. It's easier to burn it since it's smaller.

✦ Chemical Changes:

  ✧ Is when the chemicals inside that form change to something else entirely

  ✧ An example would be an egg, when you cook the egg it can turn into being scrambled or fried. But you can't eat the raw egg until the chemicals change.

~Hope this helps Mate. If you need anything feel free to message me.

${teks-lihat-gambar} itzshiane
${teks-lihat-gambar} itzshiane


Here is an example of the full report for this type of lab. Includes data table etc. I would suggest making some changes on wording prior to submission


${teks-lihat-gambar} pinkpegasus04

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