
Place the following events pertaining to the Census Bureau in chronological order.
Start by clicking the first item in the sequence or dragging it here
Drag the items below into the box above in the correct order, starting with the first item in the sequence.
The City of Detroit sued the federal government to require that the census adjust population figures based on overcount estimates.
The census long form was used to collect additional information on about 5 percent of the population.
The Census Bureau discovered that it had been undercounting the population by 1.2 percent.
The US Supreme Court ruled that the Census Bureau could not use sampling to adjust its population counts.
The Census Bureau began using sampling to estimate the unemployment rate.

Answer :


Explanation: look at the photo there’s your answer

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The events pertaining to Census Bureau are listed in Chronological order below :

  • The Census Bureau began using sampling to estimate the unemployment rate.
  • The Census long form was used to collect additional information on about 5 percent if the population.
  • The Census Bureau discovered that it had been under counting the population by 1.2 percent.
  • The city of Detroit sued the federal government to require that the census adjust population figures based on over count estimates.


The US Supreme Court ruled that the Census Bureau could not use sampling to adjust its population counts.

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