
The Great Gatsby Ch. 7-9 guided reading questions

Ch. 7

What is the weather like at the beginning of Ch. 7? Support your answer with four (different) quotations.


Why does the group drive to the city?

Why does Wilson lock Myrtle in the apartment? What does Myrtle see as she looks out the window?

When Wilson says, “I just got wised up to something funny the last two days ..”
What has he “wised up” to? What does he still not know?

Who was in Tom’s car in the drive home from the city? Who was in Gatsby’s car? (you may list each)

Describe in detail what happens on the way home from the city.

“Daisy and Tom were sitting opposite each other at the kitchen table, with a plate of cold fried chicken between them and two bottles of ale. He was talking intently across the table at hewhiler, and in his earnestness his hand had fallen upon and covered her own. Once in a she looked up at thim and nodded..” What does this quotation suggest about Daisy and Tom’s relationship?

Where is Gatsby at the end of Ch. 7?

Ch. 8

What did Daisy do at 4:00 in the morning? Where was Gatsby at the time?

Summarize the first flashback in this chapter starting with “It was this night that he told me the strange story of his youth ..”

What does George believe about the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleberg?

Ch. 9

Who led George Wilson to believe that Gatsby had killed Myrtle? Support with evidence (quote) after you answer.

Describe Gatsby’s friends’ reactions to his death and funeral. Support with evidence (two quotations) after you answer

Answer :



What is the story??


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