A city has 200 white households and 100 black households. It has 3 neighborhoods.The first neighborhood has 100 white households and 20 black households. The secondneighborhood has 50 white households and 50 black households. The third neighborhoodhas 50 white households and 30 black neighborhoods. What is the dis-similarity index forthis city

Answer :


There is 30% dissimilarity.


Dissimilarity index is = 0.5 × ∑ | (a÷A) - (b÷B) |

Where ,

a= population of white in neighborhood

b= population of black in neighborhood

A= total population of whites

B= total population of blacks

Thus we can solve,

= 0.5 × { | (100÷200) - (20÷100) | + | (50÷200) - (50÷100) | + | (50÷200) - (30÷100) |}

= 0.3

Thus there is 30% dissimilarity.


there is 30% dissimilarity.


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